
Located throughout the Hamilton city and Raglan regions and in alignment with the New Zealand Cricket vision “to be a game for all”, Hamilton Cricket Association offers a variety of opportunities to enjoy cricket for all ages, genders and abilities locally, as well as both rangatahi and tuākana Hamilton representative teams which compete in Northern Districts regional tournaments.
All details for participation opportunities are listed below inclusive of information for people to get involved as players, coaches, officials and fans of the game.
Free programmes delivered in schools across YR 1-8 students.
Programmes for year 1-4 and 5-8 boys + girls. Catering for all skill levels and ranges.
Join a school or club team to learn and develop skills through practice and matches and ‘PLAY IN A TEAM’. Available to all abilities and ages both new and experienced, there are opportunities to play either softball or hardball cricket.
Cost: As per individual club/school fees
Hamilton Cricket Association