The second round of the ND Regional Facilities Fund (RFF) saw massive interest, with over twice as many applicants compared to the first round. The RFF was intended to enhance and upgrade existing cricket facilities but also to assist with the construction of new facilities across the region. Between both rounds, a total of 7 brand new facilities and 12 existing facilities were selected for support. Through the investment of the RFF back into the community, ND has assisted projects in our region leading to total project costs of well over $1,000,000. A wonderful result for cricket.
A desired outcome of the RFF was to promote the growth of our game by creating more suitable and safer places for people to enjoy their cricket. This round in particular saw an exceptional response from our clubs, schools, associations and local councils, highlighting the need for better facilities to support that growth. We thank all applicants who took the opportunity to apply. Now that the RFF is exhausted, it is ND’s hope that the 19 successful projects will ensure ND as a region continues to support cricket and its growth at all levels, from grassroots to high performance over the coming years.
The purpose of the Northern Districts Cricket (ND) Regional Facilities Fund is to optimise current and future facility assets to promote the growth of cricket in our communities. We want cricket to be a game for all which means that we need suitable spaces and places to play throughout our ND region.
The ND Regional Facilities Fund has been established with a pool of up to $250,000 available for regional capital expenditure projects identified as priorities through the regional facilities audit. A maximum of $50,000 may be granted within each of ND’s six District Association regions.
Any applicant must be an entity that has legal status, including:
- Incorporated Societies
- Charitable Trusts
- Regional/Local Council
- For-profit businesses/commercial organisations
- Schools (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary)
The following are not eligible to apply:
- Individuals
- Professional or semi-professional teams or organisations
- Early Childhood Centres
- National or regional sports organisations
This is intended to help contribute to the direct costs of capital expenditure projects. This could include but is not limited to:
- Replacing artificial turf on wickets.
- Installation of grass wickets.
- Facility development and maintenance, e.g., making changerooms gender neutral.
- Construction of practice nets.
The following will not be funded:
- Costs that are not directly required for the capital expenditure (e.g., salaries or wages for existing staff, administrative overheads, cricket equipment etc.).
- Costs that are already funded by other sources.
- Costs of retrospective projects (those that have already been completed).
- Project is capital expenditure and identified as a priority out of the ND facility audit.
- Successful applicants will receive up to 50% of the total project cost (capped at a total of $50,000 across each District Association).
- Project must be completed within 12 months of confirmation of successful application.
- Completed application form must be submitted to ND together with all required supporting documentation prior to closing date.
- Approved amounts will only be paid once the project has commenced, and confirmation of funding sources and invoices have been provided to ND.
- Successful applicants must provide a post-project report within four weeks of the project completion.
- Successful applicants must have legal status.
April 2024 Successful Applicants:

November 2024 Successful Applicants: